In 1997 I started writing for one of the top selling hobby relate magazines in the UK – ‘Popular Crafts.’ On a monthly basis I produced a two-page spread based on all things rubber-stamping related and a one-page letters page. Since that time I’ve had over 300 features published in UK and US magazines. I specialise in arts and crafts subjects for adults, art and craft subjects for children plus educational activities for children and EYFS practitioners (often environmental based subjects).
I’ve written for a wide range of magazines. The craft related magazines I’ve written for include:
- Sewing World
- Sew Hip
- Sew Magazine
- Popular Crafts
- Practical Crafts
- Making Cards
- 12 x 12 Scrapbooking
Whilst the educational magazines I’ve written for include:
- Nursery World
- Out of School
- ChildCare Magazine
- Early Years Educator
- Practical Preschool
Lastly I’ve also written one-off features for magazines such as:
- Countryside Tales
- Kent Life
- My Weekly
- Amateur Photographer
- Writing Magazine
- Dogs Monthly
I’m used to working to a tight deadline, on a limited materials budget and an in-house style. If required can provide ideas for suitable features based on an editors needs. I’m always looking for a challenge. So if you’re looking for a writer with a proven track record please contact me to discuss your requirements.